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This is such an amazing game for improving intermediate Russian skills. Thank you so much for making it! It is underappreciated. Spasibo bokshoi na vas! Ya ne znayu yesli moya grammatika yest' khoroshaya no ya znayu shto eto - khoroshaya igru. 

Thank you so much for your kind comment! We are very happy you're having fun playing the game. Hope you feel very confident with your Russian language reading the text because your Russian is very good!👍 Отличная работа! 

Thank you for your words of support, we will definitely continue to make new chapters and games for learning the language. Unfortunately, there is never enough time, but we will try.You gave us a huge boost of confidence!

Спасибо большое!❤️


Eto nichego. Vasha igra vesela igrat'
V kontse kontsov khachu ya chitat' Koltso Tymy Perumova i vasha rabota menya pomogaet izuchat' eto yazik!! Keep up the good work.